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You all must be wondering what INC stands for , it is INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS or famously known as CONGRESS . From its foundation on 28 December 1885 by A.O. Hume, a retired British officer, until the time India gained its independence on 15 August 1947, the Indian National Congress was considered to be the largest and most prominent Indian public organization, as well as the central and defining influence of the long indian independence movement.

Some of its early members were
● William wedderburn
● WC bonnerjee
● Surendernath bannerjee
● Mg remade
And many more.

WC bonnerjee was selected as a leader of the INC in 1885. The party was formed to fight for basic rights for living which had been taken away by the British government which was ruling over INDIA. Indians at that time face extreme discrimination and frequent famines due to negation from the british. INC was formed to gain political power and help expel the British from the Indian subcontinent as not only present day India but Pakistan and Bangladesh were also included. This party was started to be recognized after 1920 when the famous freedom fighter of India Mahatma Gandhi became the leader of INC . They started a lot of nationalism movements and became the backbone of the Indian struggle for freedom .

With constant pressure put by the British government to subdue the freedom movement INC fought back by launching movements like
● Khilafat movement
● Swadeshi movement
● Non cooperation movement
● Civil disobedience movement
● Poorna swaraj movement

Some of the facts we all must know about the olden day Congress party is that all the movements organised by them were only peaceful protests and when they took violent turns they were called off . many rules were broken by the important leaders in order to persuade people to come out to fight the British government which now had been ruling over the Indian subcontinent for 200 years starting from the Bengal province to the entire nation and in this process they were sent to jail for many times. Sometimes they were sent to jail for no reason under the Rowlatt act.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru the first prime minister of free India became the president of the INC in the Lahore session of 1929. He later on continued to lead the party to its glory and by the peak time of 1945 when world war 2 ended the promise made by the British to leave Indian subcontinent was to come in force . The round table conference later helped to specify the demands made by Indians on how they would like the British to leave India to itself. This just a brief history of how the INC became the major political power from India in its freedom struggle. There are many mysteries yet to be discovered about this politically legendary party. There will be more articles to come up about this topic in the future so please hold on for them.

Himank Jain
Philomath Team
